July 29, 2007

Leading Off


I started this blog because there are a lot of things I think about that never get articulated, and I wanted to write them down. So I figured as long as I was writing them down, I'd let the whole world know about it. Most of what's on here will be about sports, because that's what I think about a lot. But I also love random, hilarious anecdotes, which of course will go on here as well.

It's called The Oceanliner because thats one of the nicknames I've picked up over the years. In third grade my friend's little brother couldn't pronounce Oelschlager, so he started calling my mom Mrs. Oceanliner. Hilarious. So I decided to call my blog that because I couldn't think of anything better. And because my buddy Carrington suggested it. Honestly, I was trying to think of something really witty and relevant, but it just never came. So The Oceanliner it is.

I'm going to try and post something once a week, so we will see how that goes. Do it.

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