August 13, 2008

Bu-Bu-buuwwwwhhhaatttt? Stat of the Week

Most people have probably heard some thing about the controversy related to the Chinese women’s gymnastics team and their age. In brief, many people believe the Chinese gymnasts have lied about their age to be eligible to compete in the Olympics. You have to be 16 to compete, and there are serious concerns that many members of the Chinese team are actually younger than this. Well, we aren’t here to discuss that. What I am here to discuss is the size of these Chinese youngsters. Well, actually their lack of size. Here is the height and weight of 5 of the female Chinese gymnasts, absodutely meriting buh-buh-buuuaaaaaahhhhttttt? incredulousness:

Li Shanshan 4’9”, 79 pounds
Yang Yilin, 4’11”, 77 pounds
He Kexin, 4’8”, 73 pounds
Jiang Yuyuan, 4’7”, 71 pounds
Deng Linlin, 4’6”, 68 pounds

Here is a picture of the Chinese team in front of the US team:

If all of these girls (including the US team) are really 16, that might be sadder than if everyone was lying, because 16-year olds that look like that have done nothing short of tortured themselves and their bodies. On that happy note, enjoy the individual all around later in the Olympics!

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