September 13, 2007

Ribrary Courts: Under Construction

Our luxury apartment in Ribrary Courts has a balcony that overlooks the street behind our building. We have a nice view of a row of houses and Quincy Park is just visible to the right. Current Oceanliner roommate Will “Beercan” Potts was kind enough to bring up a set of patio furniture, so it is really quite homely up on the third floor. It also acts as our Phonebooth, as it is almost impossible to get cell phone reception inside our digs, but that’s another story.

Anyway, there is some sort of maintenance unit located directly below our balcony in the grass behind out building that the “management” of Ribrary Courts has tried to conceal as a rock. They have not done a good job, as it is clearly human made. What really gives it away is that they have started doing construction on this piece of equipment and dug a moat around the rectangular 3-foot high stone box and protected it with 2 orange road cones. No sign. No rope. No tape. Two orange road cones. That’ll definitely keep the hoodlums away. How does this relate to our story you may ask? Let’s get right into it.

Last week our buddy Kye came and spent a couple days in our apartment to look for a place to live in the Arlington area. It did not take him long to make up his mind that he didn’t want to live in our building. Anyway, he stayed with us for a couple of days and then left. During the day he had been using Schling’s keycard to get into the building. Well, he needed to leave the keycard somewhere because Schling was at work. So in the middle of the day I get this email from Schling:

so kye left for cville
apparently he put my card key under a traffic cone in back of the building
its in a card box apparently
he said its under the construction cone that is accessible without having to walk through the mud

Beautiful. You can pull the “leaving your keys/card in someplace witty” when it’s a house. This doesn’t fly for an apartment building. I was going to get home before Schling so I had to go check it out. And sure enough, under the closest road cone to the street, was a deck of playing cards with the Ribrary Courts key card inside.

What a terrible plan. I bet Kye felt so sneaky too. “I’ve got the perfect hiding place! A road cone on a construction site! Nobody ever moves things around, especially road cones, when things are temporary! Oh man this is so cool. Now I know what the Spy Kids feel like!”

Not only that, but when I went upstairs our door was unlocked. Kye had left our apartment free for the taking for a solid 4 hours. Awesome. But hey, you know what, everything worked out fine and we got a funny story out of it. I took a bunch of pictures of the whole thing but my computer crashed like a champ. Hopefully I’ll get them up soon.

Two more Ribrary Courts tidbits before I sign off
1) We didn’t have hot water last Friday or Monday. Sweet.
2) Remember the package counter that I described in a previous brog entry? Yeah, someone’s package had been opened and was still sitting on the ledge. That’s comforting.

Yet another Ribrary Courts adventure that had the possibility of turning out poorly but ended up just being hilarious. I feel like our luck is running out though, we might be at the end of our nine lives. I would love to hear any amusing anecdotes concerning everyone’s living conditions, so feel free to comment or send me an email. Until next time, over and out.

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